If I had to pick a favorite song that I have ever had the privilege to record, this song would be at the top of the list. The words are such an incredible reminder to me of the HOPE and the POWER that is found in Jesus…a message that I need every single day, especially today.
After the horrific attacks of terrorism this week, my heart is broken for all of mankind. How we need the message of Easter more than ever to remind us that no matter what is going in our lives or in the world around us, the goodness and the power of the cross will never change and is the only thing that can heal and change lives.
So on this Good Friday morning, I bring my weary heart to Jesus and find that by doing so I can’t help but do the following:
Be Thankful for the Cross.
Rejoice that He’s Alive.
Grab on to the HOPE and the POWER that is found in Jesus.
The Name of Jesus is the answer to our soul’s distress.
The Hand of Jesus is the touch that fills our emptiness.
Oh, He’s here. Oh, He’s here with us.
So come and lay your burdens down before the throne where hope is found and call upon The Name of Jesus.
Your brokenness and offering of sweet surrender to the King.
There’s Power in The Name of Jesus.
The Name of Jesus is the peace that calms our troubled hearts.
The Love of Jesus is the freedom to come as we are.
Oh, He’s here. Oh, He’s here with us.
So come and lay your burdens down before the throne where hope is found and call upon The Name of Jesus.
Your brokenness and offering of sweet surrender to the King.
There’s Power in The Name of Jesus.
The cross of Jesus bore our weakness covered all our sin.
He is Risen. We’re forgiven. Forever alive in Him.
So come and lay your burdens down before the throne where hope is found and call upon the Name of Jesus.
Your brokenness and offering of sweet surrender to the King.
There’s Power in The Name of Jesus.
Words & Music by Shelly Johnson and Michael Boggs. 2010 McKinney Music, Inc. (BMI) (Admin. by Music Services)/Upsurge Music, LLC (ASCAP) (admin by EMICMGPublishing.com). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
The Name of Jesus is available at Pauladunnministries.com or ITunes.