Be Brave

February 28, 2018


open post

  Dear Emma: The other day I was going through some papers and came across one that I will always treasure and just had to put into a frame. Apparently, you had been in Vacation Bible School and had been asked the question, “What is an example of something that really scared you, but you […]

Be Grateful

January 31, 2018


open post

Dear Emma: A few years ago, I was out of town singing and you went with our neighbor Miss Julie and her daughter Kayla to an event at their school. While riding in the backseat of their car, Kayla mentioned that she had to write some thank you notes when she got home. You were […]

Fly High, Little Butterfly

April 11, 2017

POSTED IN:Every Day Moments, Life Lessons

open post

  My girl has always loved butterflies…so much so that we have often affectionately called her the Butterfly Whisperer. Without hardly even trying, she not only can catch the most beautiful butterflies, but she can convince them to stay perched on her finger and even her nose for the longest time. I’m convinced the second […]

Standing in the Gap

March 7, 2017

POSTED IN:Devotional, Life Lessons

open post

  If you ever need help, I’m your girl. I can make meals, clean, listen, pray, and I will pretty much do whatever I can do to help someone in need. But when it comes to receiving help…well, that’s a whole different story. I tell myself I simply cannot ask for help because I do […]

Forever Faithful

February 23, 2017

POSTED IN:Devotional

open post

  There are times in all of our lives when our faith wavers, when the waves crash over us and we can barely stay afloat, let alone courageously believe. Our emotions become numb and we can find ourselves too discouraged to even think about all of the times in the past when our God saw […]