October 7, 2015
POSTED IN:Life Lessons
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Have you ever had a moment that takes you back in time…back to a place of long ago, but yet to a moment that feels like yesterday? I had one such reverie this past weekend as we sat inside the house with torrential rain and high winds swirling all around us. After several consecutive days […]
October 1, 2015
POSTED IN:Uncategorized
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Everyone longs to have a perfect story. You know, the one that begins with “Once upon a time” and ends with “happily ever after.” But those stories are aptly called “fairy tales,” and they are not the stories of our lives. Our stories are stories of real people wrestling through the joys and struggles of […]
September 24, 2015
POSTED IN:Life Lessons
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I remember as a child counting down the days until my birthday and eagerly anticipating a homemade raspberry pie, presents, and a day filled with birthday cheer. I even added the “1/2” tag whenever I told my age because it sounded older, smarter, and one day closer to my next birthday. Then somewhere along the […]
September 17, 2015
POSTED IN:Uncategorized
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“Mommy, when I become someone’s friend, I am their friend forever,” my daughter imploringly told me with a catch in her voice and tears clouding her bright blue eyes. My heart hurt for her as I listened to her share about one of her close friends not wanting to play with her anymore. And the […]
September 9, 2015
POSTED IN:Uncategorized
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Never in a million years would I have imagined going to a Christian movie in a theater and being SO profoundly impacted. Let’s be honest, Christian movies have sometimes gotten a bad rap for cheesy acting, poorly written scripts, or even worse, story lines that deviate from or water down the truth. So, I sheepishly […]