Welcome Change


When was the last time you took a step out of your comfort zone and fully embraced a new adventure? A new path? A change?

Change—a word that evokes sheer excitement in some and pure dread in others.

If I am honest, change is difficult for me. I am the girl that sets her house up, and I could leave it that way until I either move or die. And then there’s my hair. I would probably wear the same hair style to the grave if it weren’t for my wonderful hairstylist (thanks, Dorothy) pushing me at times to change things up. I have friends, on the other hand, who break open a can of paint when they are bored and can transform a room in a matter of hours. And I have other friends who change the arrangement of their furniture frequently, sometimes on a weekly basis. These things practically make me break out in hives just thinking about them.

Yet as silly as these examples are, I have to wonder if sometimes that’s what we do in other areas of our lives. We get so terrified of change that we remain stuck doing the same things over and over and possibly miss out on some of the greatest opportunities God has for us.

Always living in our comfort zones does not usually equate to living out our dreams. We were created for more than just being comfortable; we were created to make a difference (Dare to Soar, 34).

Stepping out of our comfort zones and fully depending on God is what launches us into the sweet spot of the center of His dreams for our lives. It also forces dependence on God rather than ourselves. When we step out of what we are comfortable with and trust God for what He can do, He shows up and performs the miraculous. I love that! We can find great encouragement in knowing that God is able to do FAR beyond what we could ever imagine.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think, according to the power that works in us.   ~Ephesians 3:20

Here’s the best part of all- we can be courageous in stepping out because it isn’t about what we can or can’t do; it is ALL about God and what He WILL do when we make ourselves available to Him.

I saw first-hand what God will do with the writing of Dare to Soar. I have traveled for years singing and speaking, but writing a book had never been on my agenda. However, God had different plans and kept working in my heart last summer—pushing me to trust Him and to step out of my comfort zone. Once I finally made the decision, I was blown away at how God showed up and wrote my story. You see, it was never about me, my story, or my book, but rather it was all about something NEW that God wanted to do through my life for His glory.

Look, I am about to do something NEW; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. ~Isaiah 43:19

So back to my question—when was the last time you took a leap of faith out of your comfort zone? What is something new that God is speaking into your heart? Maybe it involves beginning, changing, or ending a career. Maybe mending a relationship or following through on a commitment. Maybe His still, small voice is calling you to get involved in ministry.

Only you can search your heart to discover God’s plan and His dreams for you. But one thing I do know for myself is that I don’t want to look back in thirty years and wish I had done things differently. I don’t want to just go through life surviving, coping, existing and always playing it safe in my comfort zone. I want more than that. I want the abundant life that Jesus talks about in John 10:10, a life that I believe is found when we are seeking Him and boldly chasing after the dreams He has placed within our hearts.

So, let’s pick up our paintbrushes and boldly paint our stories. Let’s be brave and welcome changes God brings along our way. Let’s commit today not to miss one thing God has for us.

Lord Jesus, Creator of the dreams within our hearts, we ask You to continue doing a NEW work within us. Help us not to get so comfortable and stuck in a rut that we miss out on the incredible opportunities that lie just before us. Help us to realize that it is not about being safe in our comfort zones—it is about trusting You to do more than we could ever ask or think through us. We praise You for being the God of our past, present, and future. May we live like we believe that by trusting You when You lead us out of what we know into new opportunities to trust You and bring greater glory to Your name. This we ask in Your powerful name, Amen.



  1. Gail Smith says:

    Blogs get better and better, love you my sweet friend


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