November 12, 2015
POSTED IN:Life Lessons
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It’s been a few days since the weekend but the faces of the girls and some of their stories and questions will be permanently attached to my heart. Over these last few days, I have found myself thinking back and still processing the moments I had with them. One girl had tears streaming down her […]
November 5, 2015
POSTED IN:Life Lessons
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This weekend I will be traveling to West Virginia to speak at an event for teenage girls. I have to say that I can hardly wait. There’s something about being in a room full of teenage girls with their laughter, boundless energy, and endless potential that excites me. What a fun opportunity and what an […]
October 29, 2015
POSTED IN:Life Lessons
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As wonderful and as joyous as life can be, there are also times when heartache and heaviness sets in. This week was one such week. My heart is hurting for a friend whose closest childhood friend has a little girl fighting for her life with cancer. Our family is praying fervently for our daughter’s former […]
October 22, 2015
POSTED IN:Uncategorized
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We had looked forward to our family fall break getaway for weeks. We were headed to Hilton Head Island and had a magical 3 day vacation all planned out. We couldn’t wait to bike ride all around the island, to surf the waters (that would be my husband and daughter doing the surfing with me […]
October 15, 2015
POSTED IN:Uncategorized
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Life is all about choices. And perhaps one of the biggest choices I make every single day is how I spend my time and what I invest my heart, soul, and life into each day. The reality is we all have the same 24 hours a day, but how we spend those hours truly varies […]